Showing all 17 results
Continuous temperature adapter cable
Disposable temp probe, esophageal stethoscope, 12 french, box of 20
Disposable temp probe, esophageal stethoscope, 18 french, box of 20
Disposable temp probe, esophageal stethoscope, 9 french, box of 20
Disposable temp probe, general purpose, 12 french, box of 20
Esoph/rectal temp reusable probe, YSI400, ROHS
Esophageal/rectal temp probe, 9 french, disposable, box of 20
Esophageal/rectal temperature probe, YSI700, ROHS
Exergen TAT-5000S temporal artery thermometer
General temperature probe, reusable
Reusable extension cable (1 temp max)
Skin probe for continuous temperature monitoring
Skin temperature probe, disposable, box of 20
Temperature cable for disposable sensors
Temperature probe, reusable, skin, YSI409B, ROHS
Temperature probe, skin, adult, YSI700
Temperature probe, skin, pediatric, YSI700, ROHS
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