Eclipse Mini diagnostic patch recorder
Discover more arrhythmias, work more efficiently
Enter a new era of intelligent recording by screening and diagnosing patients for atrial fibrillation and other intermittent arrhythmias with the built-in confidence of the Eclipse Mini diagnostic patch recorder from Spacelabs.
New generation, new benefits
With the battery built right into the electrode, it’s easier for patients to quickly connect and wear the Eclipse Mini for weeks at a time (even in the shower). This reusable recorder features high-quality, flexible recording options, providing more diagnostic data with 3-channel, 30-day recordings.
Use Eclipse Mini with the LifeScreen™ Pro event screening system to analyze and view a single-page summary report soon after the recorder is returned. Overall, it’s designed to help reduce waiting times and triage patients more efficiently.
You can also perform more detailed analysis using the Pathfinder SL Holter Analysis System by exporting selected segments of the recording, potentially reducing the need for repeated recordings.

Success by design
Its 32KHz initial sampling and high resolution ECG with 4GB of memory allow for accuracy with both slow and fast changing ECG features, especially the capture of p-waves and notches associated with blocks.
Eclipse Mini provides traditional event recorder functionality and adds full disclosure for more complete diagnostics. Patients can enter symptoms and activity by smartphone, giving you even more information that’s easy to add to the record.
Advanced design eliminates dust and debris traps, allowing easy cleaning with a wide range of cleaning products. This helps reduce turnaround times and support your infection control efforts.
Intelligently working together for high team performance
With Spacelabs, recordings and reports can be moved freely between recorders and analysis systems before being passed to the EMR for wider access. Use LifeScreen Pro for event screening of Eclipse Mini 30-day recordings and also to triage Eclipse™ Pro Extended Holter Recorder data. LifeScreen Pro can also pass segments of the recording to Pathfinder SL for in-depth analysis, sometimes avoiding the need for a second recording.
Better compliance for better results
Ease of use and diagnostic confidence go hand in hand. That’s especially true when patients are in charge of their own recording devices. It’s why Spacelabs’ innovative engineers designed the Eclipse Mini to eliminate the need to manually insert batteries.
Compliance in a snap
To change the patch and continue recording, patients simply pop the recorder out of the old patch and snap it into a new one. Because it’s easy, patients are more likely to be compliant, which means you can achieve more complete results over the full 30-day recording period.
Easy for patients, fast for you
Eclipse Mini can be fitted in a healthcare setting or mailed to the patient’s home. When the recording is complete, just download data to your LifeScreen Pro Event Screening System via the Sentinel® Cardiology Information Management System using a standard USB-C cable. Eclipse Mini is highly suited to use within your department or with an external service.
Help patients give you the information you need
Eclipse Mini makes it easy for patients to select and record symptoms and activity via the event button or smartphone app. Bluetooth connectivity allows the recorder to embed the event text right into the recording, providing a meaningful description. You save time and effort associated with manually entering patient event data from paper diaries. The possibility of transcription error is also eliminated.
Analyze millions of beats in minutes, not hours
Increase satisfaction and also work more efficiently by coupling Eclipse Mini with the LifeScreen Pro Event Screening System.LifeScreen Pro quickly summarizes up to 30 days of results into a clear report that includes commentary, graphs, a comprehensive atrial fibrillation section, patient symptom correlation, and ECG strips. Easy interventional tools are geared to extract significant arrhythmias from 3 million or more beats. When you’re done, Spacelabs makes it easy to pass your report on to the patient’s record for broader access.
LifeScreen Pro helps you meet your patient retention goals by simplifying assessment. You can triage recordings from any of our recorders and reduce overall time spent on a backlog of recordings.
Work where you want to
Spacelabs Runway™ architecture simplifies your data-management life by adapting to your needs – and to your information ecosystem. Download, analyze, and report from whichever physical location you prefer. The Sentinel Cardiology Information Management System can be accessed from any web client, so you can use desktop, tablet, or mobile workstations to work from other rooms in the hospital, community clinics, family practice, or scanning centers. Sentinel also manages data from Spacelabs OnTrak ABP, resting ECG, stress devices, and third-party devices. With single sign-on and role-based access, it supports data protection requirements and regulations with data encryption, a secure connection and an audit trail.
Help patients understand the results of the diagnostic test by reviewing the comprehensive summary report together. With local access to LifeScreen Pro, you don’t have to wait for an external service to provide the report, sometimes avoiding the need for a second visit.
With you all the way
Spacelabs pioneered modern arrhythmia diagnostics, and continues to offer solutions that do more to help you provide the experience your patients expect while helping you manage your resources to meet today’s realities. From strategic planning through post-installation support, count on Spacelabs for the right people, products, and TeamUp™ services, where and when you need them.