Security Advisory
“PrintNightmare” Vulnerability Assessment and Potential Product Impact Statement
Ref. Doc. ID | Version | Release Date | Advisory Status | Related CVE | Risk |
079-0243-00 | B | 28 July 2021 | Active | CVE-2021-34527 | Moderate |
Spacelabs Healthcare has been made aware of a recently published vulnerability known as “PrintNightmare” (CVE-2021-34527) that exploits an underlying Windows service used for print services. Microsoft has issued guidance to address the vulnerability.
Per Microsoft, when the Windows Print Spooler service performs privileged file operations, a remote code execution can occur that can enable a threat to run arbitrary code with elevated SYSTEM privileges. This vulnerability affects all Windows operating systems and can include enterprise Domain Controllers. Exploitation of the vulnerability can enable an attacker to execute privileged commands on the target system.
Spacelabs has conducted an assessment to identify the potential impact to our products. Our assessment has found that Spacelabs products hosted on systems using Microsoft Windows operating systems can be impacted.
Some of the Spacelabs products use printing services as part of their clinical workflow, including ICS, Xhibit and Sentinel. Spacelabs embedded products that utilize Microsoft Windows Embedded OS are also impacted, including Xhibit, XC4 and Xhibit Telemetry Receiver (XTR).
For customer-hosted Spacelabs products, we recommend following Microsoft’s recommendations to address the PrintNightmare vulnerability and advise applying the appropriate updates to remediate the vulnerability.
Spacelabs is working on a patched software release for Xhibit, XC4 and XTR that will incorporate the corrective patches from Microsoft.
Spacelabs considers the operational risk to its devices from a PrintNightmare attack to be Moderate.
In our review of the impact of this threat, due to the fact that a properly configured firewall in the hospital network would mitigate the likelihood of an attack from outside the organization, and since remote code execution would require that a bad actor already be positioned within the hospital network as a result of a prior attack, we have concluded that there is only a limited chance that a device could be compromised.
Security patches to remediate the vulnerability can found on Microsoft’s website for most Microsoft’s operating systems. Customers are encouraged to disable the Print Spooler Service if print services are not required, and to ensure that the hospital maintain a secure network firewall to protect its products and data.
Spacelabs recommends the following defenses and mitigations be applied to an enterprise environment.
- Apply the appropriate Windows updates to affected systems.
- If print services are not required, disable the Print Spooler service as instructed in Microsoft’s guidance. This can be implemented on a system locally or via Group Policy.
- Block suspicious external IP addresses at the hospital firewalls. Monitor traffic internally for unusual behavior.
- When remote access is required, use secure methods, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), recognizing VPNs may have vulnerabilities and should be updated to the most current version available. Also recognize VPN is only as secure as its connected devices.
- Implement defense-in-depth within the enterprise environment consisting of tools such as Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS), firewalls, and network access control (NAC).
- Implement and maintain an anti-malware solution (also called “anti-virus”) and an endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution.
- Minimize network exposure for all patient monitoring devices such as Monitors and Patient Surveillance devices (Xhibit Central Station and Xhibit XC4) with the use of network segmentation, placement of these devices behind hospital firewalls and ensure that they are not accessible from the Internet. Additionally, do not expose Spacelabs
product servers to the Internet when not required. - Disable remote access services and protocols such as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) unless needed. Monitor and restrict remote access usage on a least-privilege basis.
- Have backup and restore processes and procedures in place for disaster recovery and incident response.
- Monitor and maintain account provisioning and access control based on the principle of least privilege.
In response to the publication of these vulnerabilities, Spacelabs has conducted an assessment to identify devices potentially at risk to this set of vulnerabilities. Please note information is subject to change as the situation evolves.
Patient Monitoring and Connectivity Products
Product | Host Operating System | Impact Assessment |
XprezzNet 96190 | Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2016 |
Impacted |
Intesys Clinical Suite (ICS) | Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2019 |
Impacted |
Intesys Clinical Suite (ICS) Clinical Access Workstations |
Windows 8.1 Windows 10 |
Impacted |
Xhibit Telemetry Receiver (XTR) 96280 |
Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1 Windows 10 IoT Enterprise Version 1809 |
Impacted |
Xhibit 96102 / XC4 96501 | Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1 Windows 10 IoT Enterprise Version 1809 |
Impacted |
Bedside Monitors
VxWorks 6.6 | Not impacted |
Diagnostic Cardiology Products
Product | Host Operating System | Impact Assessment |
Sentinel | Windows 7 Windows 10 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2019 |
Impacted |
Pathfinder SL | Windows 7 Windows 10 |
Impacted |
Lifescreen Pro | Windows 10 | Impacted |
Lifecard CF | No OS | Not impacted |
EVO | No OS | Not impacted |
Eclipse Pro | No OS | Not impacted |
CardioExpress SL6A / SL12A | Embedded OS (uC/OS II V2.84) | Not impacted |
CardioExpress SL18A | Embedded OS (Linux Kernel |
Not impacted |
No OS | Not impacted |
Safe N Sound
Product | Host Operating System | Impact Assessment |
Spacelabs Cloud | Varies | Not impacted |
SafeNSound | Not applicable | Not impacted |
- Microsoft Security Response Center
- Emergency Directive 21-04 Mitigate Windows Print Spooler Service Vulnerability
- Spacelabs Patch Qualification Customer Portal
Version: Rev B
Purpose: Rev B PrintNightmare Vulnerability Assessment and Potential Product Impact Statement
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