This device complies with American Heart Association recommendations for cuff width to arm circumference ratios if used according to labeling. Accuracy may be affected if used beyond the index line/ range marking parameters.

    1. Read blood pressure monitor’s instruction prior to use.
    2. Select the correct blood pressure cuff based upon limb circumference.
    3. Apply the cuff to the selected limb area.
    4. Properly align the cuff artery markings and snugly secure/ fasten the cuff.
    5. If the cuff markings are out of index range, choose a larger or smaller cuff as required.

If the cuff is grossly contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids, it should be discarded.

Cleaning Instructions: For normal cleaning with mild detergents or a diluted bleach solution (1-2%), wipe the cuff with the solution, rinse with water, and dry.
Disinfecting Instructions: Using a disinfecting solution such as Enzol, Cidezyme, Cidex, Sporicidin, Isopropyl Alcohol (70%), or Ethanol (70%), wipe or spray the cuff and allow to stand for approximately one minute. Rinse well with water and dry.
Note: If the cuff is submerged in the disinfecting solution, the fittings should be capped to prevent liquid from getting inside the cuff.
Statcorp Medical denies any liability that may arise from the unauthorized use of this product.

CAUTION: Statcorp Medical does not recommend reprocessing or sterilization of any of our products. Statcorp makes no guarantees to the safety and efficacy of the products when these procedures are used and any stated warranty is voided. Please use the cleaning instructions outlined above.

059-0021-02 Rev A – UltraCheck Instructions for Use

Supplies & Accessories Catalog

Blood Pressure Cuffs

SoftCheck Blood Pressure Cuffs are designed as single-patient-use products. The materials used in the manufacture of this product may not facilitate cleaning and potential risks of cross infection/contamination may be associated with using inadequately cleaned devices.


American Heart Association recommendations for cuff width to arm circumference ratios if used according to labeling. Accuracy may be affected if used beyond the index line/ range marking parameters.

    1. Read blood pressure monitor’s instruction prior to use.
    2. Select the correct blood pressure cuff based upon limb circumference.
    3. Apply the cuff to the selected limb area.
    4. Properly align the cuff artery markings and snugly secure/ fasten the cuff.
    5. If the cuff markings are out of index range, choose a larger or smaller cuff as required.

For Infection Control Purposes
Statcorp Medical denies any liability that may arise from the unauthorized use of this product.

CAUTION: Statcorp Medical does not recommend reprocessing or sterilization of any of our products. Statcorp makes no guarantees to the safety and efficacy of the products when these procedures are used and any stated warranty is voided.

Not made with natural rubber latex.

059-0020-02 Rev A – SoftCheck BP Cuff Instructions For Use

Supplies & Accessories Catalog